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don’t make a fight
别气得来打一仗  detail>>
make a fight
打一仗  detail>>
don’t make me over
不要让我改变  detail>>
13.don’t be afraid to make mistakes
不要害怕犯错  detail>>
don t make me wait for love
别让我等待爱  detail>>
don’t make an idol of wealth
不要崇拜金钱  detail>>
two wrong don’t make a right
两个错误不等于一个正确,错误的行为纠正不了已犯的错误,以牙还牙于事无补  detail>>
two wrongs don’t make a right
两个错加不出一个正确来  detail>>
i don’t care to make this affair public
新经济政策将在下周初公布  detail>>
 vi.  (fought; fought) 1.打仗,搏斗,打架。 2.战斗,奋斗,斗争。 3.当职业拳击手。  vt...  detail>>
fight and
打打谈谈  detail>>
fight for
为…而斗争 为…而战,而奋斗  detail>>
fight on
继续战斗  detail>>
fight with
为反对.而战 与……战斗  detail>>
no fight
神秘的岳王庙  detail>>
the fight
打斗 械斗  detail>>
they fight
二人互斗  detail>>
will to fight
斗争意志  detail>>